Friends of St Martin's Gardens

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Event on 30 August 2008

We're holding a small event in the Gardens on Saturday 30 August from 2-5pm.

We could still do with some help with the event, perhaps you could:
  • promote the event to your neighbours - we haven't arranged a letter box drop, though the event is advertised in the park noticeboards
  • donate items for the tombola - Bridie and Maureen are organising this and already a number of local businesses and Friends have donated prizes (the money raised will go towards our public liability insurance - without this, we can't hold events)
  • help on the day as a gate warden, even if only for 20 minutes - this is to prevent children wandering off
  • help on the Friends table for a short period of time
We hope to see you all on the 30th, celebrating our lovely park.